Optimalisasi Saluran Komunikasi Berbasis Gelombang Mikro Sebagai Alternatif Sistem Pemantauan Curah Hujan
As a vast archipelagic country with diverse topographic conditions and has an annual average rainfall of more than 2000 mm, Indonesia is prone to hydrometeorological disasters. Based on Indonesia's disaster data, throughout 2021 there were 3,658 incidents of floods and landslides distributed throughout Indonesia. This makes real-time rainfall monitoring with high density indispensable. Indonesia currently has a rainfall monitoring system about 1000 automatic rain gauges, so an increase in the spatial resolution of network is necessary. The increasing density of monitoring equipment using rain gauges and weather radar poses the problem of high procurement and operational costs. Therefore, several alternative rainfall monitoring systems are needed. In this article, we review several studies that focus on the utilization of terrestrial and satellite communication link operating in high frequency bands as an alternative for measuring rainfall. Optimization of the satellite communication system network is more suitable than terrestrial networks to be applied in Indonesia with archipelagic areas because it has a large number of point distributions with wider coverage. The use of artificial intelligence with deep learning techniques such as one dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) is also very promising to estimate rainfall intensity because it has a high accuracy of 93%..
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