Sistem Informasi Untuk Posisi Dan Lama Duduk Dengan Smartphone Android Berbasis Mikrokontroler
information system, sitting time, sitting position, temperatur, bluetooth.
In this study, an information system was created to remind users of the length of sitting time to avoid the risk of health problems due to sitting too long. The device is designed and made in two parts, sitting cushion and application on the smartphone. In the seat cushion the limit switch sensor is placed to detect the sitting position and temperature sensor to detect the temperature of the bearing as an indicator of the long sitting. The data detected by the sensor will be sent to the microcontroller and prepared to be sent to the smart phone. The data to be displayed using an android application with Bluetooth communication. Display on the smartphone in human body posture accordance to user's sitting position. There are three body positions, namely the normal position, tilt to the left and tilt to the right. If the body position is tilted, then the smartphone will give an alarm warning to restore the sitting position to the normal position. The bearing temperature detection results will be displayed in the form of numbers with a green background as the indicator of the temperature is still normal, yellow if the bearing temperature rises and red if the temperature has exceeded the permitted normal limit. This means the user has been sitting too long and must stand or rest for a while. To remind the user to stand up, the smartphone will also give a warning by turning on the alarm.Downloads
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[2] Health experts have figured out how much time you should sit each day - The Washington Post [online] Available :
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[2] Health experts have figured out how much time you should sit each day - The Washington Post [online] Available :
[3] Hamilton MT, Genevieve N, Dunstat DW, Zderic TW, Owen N. CurrCardiovasc Risk Rep. 2008 July; 2(4): 292–298
[4] Mummery WK, Schofield GM, Steele R, Eakin EG, Brown WJ. Occupational sitting time and overweight and obesity in Australian workers. AmJPrev Med 2005; 29:91-97.
[5] Why sitting increases your risk of dying sooner – Forbes (2014) [online] Available :
[6] The health hazards of sitting - The Washington Post [online] Available :
[7] Brigid M Lynch, Neville Owen. Too much sitting and chronic disease risk: steps to move the science forward Annals of Internal Medicine 2015 January 20, 162 (2): 146-7
[8] Thorp, Alicia A. 2010. Health Services Research, Deleterious Associations of Sitting Time and Television Viewing Time With Cardiometabolic Risk Biomarkers, [online]Available :
[9] Yulastri,ST.,MT, Era Madona,SST.,MSc, Rancang bangun prototype stasiun cuaca untuk mendeteksi bencana galodo pada daerah curah hujan tinggi dengan menggunakan sistem data minning, Desentralisasi – Fundamental, 2015-2016
[10] Era Madona,SST.,MSc, Design dan implementasi wireless sensor network pada prototype pendeteksian material galodo, Desentralisasi – Hibah Bersaing/Produk Terapan, 2016-2017
[11] Aprinal Adilla,ST.,MKom, Sistem monitoring efek duduk lama berbasis web, Desentralisasi – Hibah Bersaing/Produk Terapan, 2016-2017
How to Cite
Madona, E., Irmansyah, M., & Nasution, anggara. (2018, December 29). Sistem Informasi Untuk Posisi Dan Lama Duduk Dengan Smartphone Android Berbasis Mikrokontroler. Elektron : Jurnal Ilmiah, 10(2), 1-5.

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