Alat Pengontrol Kekeruhan Air Kolam Dan Pemberi Makan Lele
GE Turbidity Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, RTC, ATMega 328 microcontroller
Many innovations that have been implemented by catfish breeders, where catfish are of a distinctive taste and make it a very popular thing in catfish lovers. Many farmers compete to get great seeds and are capable of producing good development and fast. This tool designer creates a tool that can be used by catfish farmer through a prototype in order to read and control the level of turbidity and automatic feeder. The level of turbidity is very important for catfish growth, where the level turbidity can band catfish growth. This tool is supported by supporting devices such as turbine sensors, ultrasonic sensors, RTC DS1307, servo motors and Atmega328 microcontrollers. The Turbinity sensor is used to measure the level of water that is going to go out from the fishpond. Furthermore, this research is also facilitated by an automatic feeder that will run according to the time that has been set by a farmer. When the feeding time is comming the servo motor will open the feed valve for a while based on food requirements time. Beside that the automatic feeder is also facilited by ultrasonic sensors that can be used for monitoring the availability of feeds when the feed in minimum the level will be active the buzzer or beeb.Downloads
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[8] PERMENKES RI No.416 Tahun 1990.
[9] Procedings Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro (FORTEI 2016)ISBN 978-979-097-420-3 Departemen Teknik Elektro UNDIP.
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[2] C Xian-gang, Z Jian-bin. Servo Motor Decoupling Control Based on PI Fuzzy Adaptive Method. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control). 2013; 11(5): 2612-1618.
[3] W Yeqin. Direct Drive Electrohydraulic Servo Control System Design with SelfTuning Fuzzy PID Controller. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control). 2013; 11(6): 3374-3382.
[4] YK Lu. Adaptive Fuzzy Integral Sliding Mode Regulator for Induction Motor Using Nonlinear Sliding Surface. IJPEDS International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems. 2015; 5(4): 512-519.
[5] Prerana ; Mangalpady R. Shenoy ; Bishnu P. Pal ; Banshi D. Gupta. Design, Analysis, and Realization of a Turbidity Sensor Based on Collection of Scattered Light by a Fiber-Optic Probe. IEEE Sensors Journal ( Volume: 12 , Issue: 1 , Jan. 2012 ) Page(s): 44 – 50
[6] Mohamad Azrulamin Adzuan, Mohd Hezri Fazalul Rahiman , Ahmad Aftas Azman. Design and development of infrared turbidity sensor for Aluminium Sulfate coagulant process. 2017 IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC). Malaysia
[7] Azmar. Fahmi. 2012. “Pengendalian Kekeruhan Air Pada Akuarium Dengan Tampilan Output Suara”, Politeknik Negeri Padang
[8] PERMENKES RI No.416 Tahun 1990.
[9] Procedings Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro (FORTEI 2016)ISBN 978-979-097-420-3 Departemen Teknik Elektro UNDIP.
[10] Ilham Ananda. 2017. “Pengontrolan Penyaring dan penggantian Air Akuarium Secara Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler”. Politeknik Negeri Padang.
How to Cite
efrizon, E., yulastri, Y., & ifandi, I. (2018, June 27). Alat Pengontrol Kekeruhan Air Kolam Dan Pemberi Makan Lele. Elektron : Jurnal Ilmiah, 10(1), 6-12.

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