Design Dan Implementasi Wireless Sensor Network Pada Prototype Pendeteksian Material Galodo

  • Era Madona
  • Muhammad Irmansyah Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Yulastri yulastri Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Anggara Nasution Politeknik Negeri Padang
Keywords: Database server, Wireless Sensor Network, Arduino Uno, XBee S2, Sound sensor


Flash flood (debris flow) or people of Padang called  “galodo”  is one disaster that could threaten any time, especially at plateau with high rainfall. This study is an attempt to design prototype which is implemented to detect the content of the existing material in river flows due to “Galodo”. This research design and implement the wireless sensor network to transmit information or sensor output data and data receivers on prototype of “Galodo” material detection with laboratory testing scale. This system consist of a transmitter device that includes a sound sensor, Arduino Uno, and XBee S2, and a receiver that includes the XBee S2 and raspberry Pi as a database server. Data in data server are expected can distinguish the water in” Galodo” bring small material such as sand or larger or just contain of water. The information obtained display in graphic on the website to system data monitoring including time delay for sending data from transmitter to receiver.


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How to Cite
Madona, E., Irmansyah, M., yulastri, Y., & Nasution, A. (2019, June 30). Design Dan Implementasi Wireless Sensor Network Pada Prototype Pendeteksian Material Galodo. Elektron : Jurnal Ilmiah, 39-42.